ASD is the 1st international workshop on Autonomous Systems Design. The goal of ASD is to explore recent industrial and academic methods and methodologies in autonomous systems design. This includes several areas:
- Embedded and cyber-physical systems platforms that implement and execute the autonomous system functions including their architectures, hardware, software and communication.
- The design for autonomous systems including processes, modelling, optimization, verification, validation, and test.
- All aspects of dependable systems design for autonomous systems including, but not limited to, functional safety concepts, fail-operational systems design, functional safety for applications with machine learning, safe and secure changes and updates, autonomous systems security.
The workshop consisted of regular sessions with peer-reviewed research papers selected from an open call, complemented by invited talks on robotics, automated driving and frameworks for autonomous systems like ROS and AUTOSAR Adaptive. ”Feasibility Study and Benchmarking of Embedded MPC for Vehicle Platoons” paper was presented by I-MECH partners from TU/e (Electronic Systems group of Electrical Engineering). The presentation was attended by approximately 30-40 people.